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Policy Research, Analysis & Design for a Sustainable Economy, Environment & Workforce


Reports & Publications

Many of the reports and articles produced by High Road Strategies in the course of its work are available for download here, and some also are available in hard copy on request when you contact us.

Energy, Economic and Workforce Studies

High Road Strategies, jointly with several different partners, has produced a large number of studies that examine and assess the economic and workforce issues associated with various energy and/or climate policies, at the state, national, and international levels.

Recent Reports

Climate Change and Energy-Intensive Manufacturing

From 2007 through 2010, High Road Strategies, working in conjunction with the Millennium Institute, produced a “trilogy” of studies for a variety of clients on the impact of climate change legislation on energy-intensive, trade-exposed manufacturing industries (such as iron and steel, aluminum, paper and chemicals).

Ohio Energy and Manufacturing Studies

High Road Strategies participated in projects led by the Consortium for Energy, Economics and the Environment, of the Ohio University Voinovich School for Leadership and Public Affairs (OU), that studied the impacts of climate and energy policies on Ohio’s economy, in general, and on Ohio’s large and vital manufacturing sector, in particular. HRS produced two major reports for these projects, listed below.  HRS and OU continue to explore new opportunities to work on energy, environmental and economic policy issues important to Ohio, as potentially to other states as well.

Clean Energy Technologies and Manufacturing

Working with various clients, High Road Strategies has produced several studies evaluating the trends, economic impacts and opportunities, and policy issues (particularly for the manufacturing sector) associated with the development and implementation of clean energy technologies—solar, wind, biofuels and other renewables; energy efficiency—at both the state and national levels.

International Work

Although High Road Strategies’ work has mainly been focused on energy and manufacturing policy issues within the United States, it has been invited to participate in projects and present in major conferences in several different countries around the world, including Malaysia, India and South Africa.

  • Energy Pricing and Manufacturing Competitiveness in Malaysia. In October 2011, HRS principal Dr. Joel S. Yudken prepared a report and presentation on how a proposal to reduce or eliminate energy subsidies in Malaysia might affect the country’s manufacturing sector, in support of a project of The Millennium Institute sponsored by the Economic Planning Unit of Malaysia’s Department of the Prime Minister. Click for more information.
  • “The U.S. Climate Change Debate: State of Play and Competitiveness Issues.”  Dr. Yudken was invited to participate and make a presentation at the Conference on Trade and Climate Change in Emerging Economies, Competitiveness and Intellectual Property Rights Dimension, held in New Delhi, India. March 30-31, 2010.  The conference was sponsored by the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Geneva, Switzerland, and the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi, India.
  • “Climate Prosperity Strategy for Africa.”   Dr. Yudken was invited to participate, make a plenary presentation and lead a master class on climate policy and economics at the City World Development Africa 2008 Conference, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, October 21, 2008.

Manufacturing Competitiveness

High Road Strategies’ principal, Dr. Joel S. Yudken has researched and written extensively on manufacturing competitiveness issues for many years, before and after starting HRS in 2006.  Some of the most recent and notable of his work includes:

HRS Reports
  • Manufacturing Insecurity, America’s Manufacturing Crisis and the Erosion of the U.S. Defense Industrial Base (April 14, 2010). This report, prepared for the AFL-CIO Industrial Union Council in conjunction with the U.S. Business Industry Council, Washington, DC provides an in-depth examination of how the loss of U.S. manufacturing competitiveness over the past decade, in particular, has contributed to the loss of domestic U.S. capacity in industrial sectors vital to national security. Click for more information.
  • America’s Manufacturing Challenge (July 20, 2010).  This is an unpublished scoping paper prepared for the Council on Competitiveness, Washington, DC, outlining in broad strokes the multiple challenges to revitalizing the U.S. manufacturing base, after years of decline.
Prior Reports

Prior to founding HRS, Dr. Yudken served many years as Manufacturing Policy Analyst for the AFL-CIO Industrial Union Council, where he produced a number of policy papers and reports on manufacturing competitiveness.  These include:

High Road Strategies Occasional Policy Papers

High Road Strategies has begun production on a new series of occasional policy position papers, which will draw upon and extend its research and project work in areas such as manufacturing, climate and energy policy and manufacturing competitiveness. Other topics might include policy issues associated with workforce and economic development and technology innovation and manufacturing. These reports will be featured on the website, as well as distributed to a wider public audience through other means.

Our most recent paper:

  • The Case for Industrial Policy (or Something Like It), Free-Market Failures and the Need for a New Economic Synthesis (forthcoming).

Journal and Magazine Articles