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Archive for the ‘Media Coverage’ Category

HRS Military Biofuels Report Attracts Significant Press Coverage

In the Fall 2012, Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) commissioned High Road Strategies to conduct a study to evaluate the potential economic impacts of Department of Defense (DoD) goals to procure at least fifty percent of their fuels used their aviation and marine fleets by 2020. E2, a partner of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), is […]

Bloomberg Businessweek and Other Media Coverage

Following a successful presentation and webinar by High Road Strategies’ Joel Yudken on April 14, 2011, the report, Manufacturing Insecurity: America’s Manufacturing Crisis and the Erosion of the U.S. Defense Industrial Base, featured in the event, was cited in a Bloomsberg Businessweek article (May 5, 2011) on the declining availability of U.S.-made products for fulfilling […]


On November 30, 2010 High Road Strategies principal Joel Yudken was a featured speaker on INTERNATIONAL INVESTOR, which broadcasts weekly on 62 television statio  ns across the United States, from California, to New York, to  Florida to Washington, and globally on a 24-hour/7 day a week basis on the Business News Network on the […]

Climate Policy-Manufacturing Report Roll-Out

On June 24, 2009, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and the National Commission on Energy Policy co-hosted an event in the Senate Russell Office Building, in Washington, DC, marking the release of a groundbreaking report, entitled Climate Policy and Energy-Intensive Manufacturing: Impacts and Options.Funded by the Energy Commission (a project of the Bipartisan Policy Center), […]